Casual Philosophy

Blog Posts

The Problem With Miracles As Religious Justification

Miracles are a tricky business. On the one hand, it would be ridiculous to conclude that everything is currently explainable by natural means. On the other hand, concluding that you know a miracle definitely happened and that this is evidence of your particular religious beliefs seems equally problematic. It is…

Critical Thinking: A (Not So) Brief But (Hopefully) Helpful Introduction

This essay provides a comprehensive overview of critical thinking, covering concepts like arguments, premises, and conclusions, types of argument inferences (deduction, induction, abduction), clarifying arguments, fallacies (formal and informal), and the art of critical thinking. It emphasizes the importance of intellectual humility and aims for clarity, understanding, and wisdom in…

Is This The Best Argument Against God?

In this essay, I propose and discuss a more holistic argument for atheism based on the superior explanatory power and parsimony of naturalism over theism. I discuss why the argument is particularly interesting and somewhat convincing to me while acknowledging that there are limitations to the argument. My aim is…


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